





Join Palette+ Membership

Palette+ is a watercolor membership service that offers a variety of watercolor demos, quarterly LIVES with Mallery Jane, challenges, giveaways, a supportive community, and bonus content. 

Palette+ was created out of necessity to keep up with the demand for more personalized and continual instruction from Mallery Jane.

Mallery Jane's hourly rate for a private 1-on-1 lesson starts at $75 USD per hour. With Palette+, you will have access to her expertise and much more content at a fraction of the cost. 

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What is Included in Palette+

  • Monthly Master Class with a instructive PDF (pre-recorded video)

  • Monthly Full Demo Still Life (pre-recorded video)

  • Monthly Full Demo Landscape (pre-recorded video)

  • Palette+ Community

    • Access to Mallery Jane

    • Connect with the Palette+ Members

    • Challenges

    • Polls

    • Giveaways

  • Quarterly 60-minute LIVE Q&A with Mallery Jane

  • Bonus Content

Palette+ Payment Plans


$24 | Month

Monthly Content Includes

  • Master Class
  • Still Life Demo
  • Landscape Demo
  • Palette+ Community
  • Quarterly LIVE Q&A
  • Bonus Content
Join Today


$64 | Quarter

Most Popular

Quarterly Billing Plan (Every 3 Months) SAVE 10%

  • 1 Monthly Master Class
  • 1 Monthly Still Life Demo
  • 1 Monthly Landscape Demo
  • Palette+ Community
  • Quarterly LIVE Q&A
  • Bonus Content
Join Today


$230 | Year

Purchase the Palette+ annual billing plan and SAVE 20%

  • 1 Monthly Master Class
  • 1 Monthly Still Life
  • 1 Monthly Landscape
  • Palette+ Community
  • Quarterly LIVE Q&A
  • Bonus Content
Join Today

My Approach & Promise

I want you to know that my teaching style is unique, and no other instructor provides the guidance and expertise I'm going to give you.

Together we will tap into your artistic identity and discover your creative voice. We'll grow your skills as an artist through the Master Classes by diving deep into techniques, color theory, value, composition, and perspective.

Palette+ will show you exactly how successful you can be when YOU have a road map for your artistic journey. 


Nice to meet you!

Hi! I'm Mallery Jane, a full-time artist and educator for the past 10 years. I teach students the fundamental skills to unlock the beauty of creation within.

Curious about my teaching style?

Watch me on my social platforms

Student Reviews

Jennifer D.

"I am new to you, sort of. I've watched your videos here and there. And I took the plunge. And I bought the full package and I am loving it!"

Gaylene B.

"I've learned much more quickly watching Watercolor 101 than I did piecing watercolor videos and reading books. It's something I've wanted to do my entire 55 years. Your art classes are great, after a few videos mmy artwork became significantly better and painting is much more enjoyable, now!"

Gwen F.

"Simple, easy-to-follow instructions, I love how Mallery goes over the basics and builds upon them. Very enjoyable, and I've already recommended to friends!!"

Mary R.

"I have been following Mallery Jane on Instagram for a while and knew she was the right teacher for me. I previously tried another course, but it was very stylized towards the slightly old-fashioned style of the artist. It didn't give proper instructions, now seeing the depth of this course I know that I will come out with a real background to set me off on my own watercolor journey. I am so excited to learn more!

Ana S. B.

I just wanted to say with one of your classes, my improvement is amazing!!!! You have a fan!"

Pamela G.

"My husband gifted me your course for Chrismas and I am loving it! It has been so enjoyable. Thank you for creating such a great course!"

Frequently Asked Questions



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